Pick n Pay
Start delivering today and make great money on your own schedule.

Start delivering today and make great money on your own schedule.

Why deliver with us?

Make great money delivering!

Make great money delivering!

Work fulltime or part-time

Work fulltime or part-time

Night or Weekend shifts available

Night or Weekend shifts available

Deliver more than just food

Deliver more than just food

Daily, Weekly & Bi-weekly payouts

Daily, Weekly & Bi-weekly payouts

Keep 100% of all your tips

Keep 100% of all your tips

What you need:

A South African ID or work permit for foreign nationals.

A South African ID or work permit for foreign nationals.

A valid South African drivers license.

A valid South African drivers license.

A clear criminal background check.

A clear criminal background check.

An Android smartphone V6 or higher

An Android smartphone V6 or higher

Start earning this week

Fill out the easy application form and we’ll connect you with your closest branch.

Online delivery all over South Africa